Coco-Papaya Rice Puffs | Herbal Goodness

Prep Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Number of Servings: 24 pieces


4 cups Rice Puffs
2 cups Dried Papaya Fruit, chopped
2 cups Desiccated Coconut
½ cup White Sugar
½ cup Glucose
¼ cup Ripe Papaya Fruit Powder
¼ cup Water
¼ cup Coconut Cream

Related: Difference Between Whole Herbs and Isolate


  1. Combine rice puffs, dried papaya, and desiccated coconut in a bowl.
  2. In a saucepan over low heat, dissolve ripe papaya fruit powder in water.
  3. Add glucose and sugar. Continue stirring over low heat until sugar is full.
  4. Add coconut cream and stir until well incorporated.
  5. Pour this syrup over rice puff mixture. Stir well to combine.
  6. Tightly pack the rice puffs into a 2.5” cookie cutter.
  7. Cover with plastic wrap and put in the freezer for at least 30 minutes to set.

Related Article: A quick guide to our ripe papaya and graviola fruit powder recipe