Difference Between Whole Herbs and Isolate | Herbal Goodness

Why we here at Herbal Goodness only do WHOLE FOOD and WHOLE HERB supplements, juices, and teas.

Let's talk about the difference between whole herbs and isolate. So, in the 1930s, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C, made into an isolate) is discovered. Yay vitamin C! They discovered that it demonstrates a positive effect on scurvy. The research is published, and educated people say that vitamin C is ascorbic acid and that it does everything that vitamin C can do. At that time they thought they had it all solved and figured out.

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Some time passes and then Rutin is discovered. It turns out to be part of a vitamin C complex. Why is it important? In order for vitamin C to strengthen the capillary walls, it needs this "ruin" to be present or it doesn't work. Okay, so maybe then they had it all figured out, right?
Wrong, next, J factors are discovered. Vitamin C only will enhance the oxygen-carrying capacity of the cells if they are present. Okay, surely now? Wait...Then a copper enzyme is discovered, then it turns out vitamin C will workloads more effectively with vitamin E and A, and... well, it goes on and on.

Strangely enough, this incredibly fragile and delicate balance has always been present organically bound together in whole foods, such as papaya or papaya leaf. Science is just begging to understand the whys of how everything was put together. Sometimes it takes many generations to get the whole picture.

What the conclusion is in the end almost every time is that if we mess with the creation of nature it won't be as good as the original. Whole herbs and isolate varieties are not equal. Today we seem to have more knowledge about nutrition and health than ever before.

Go to a supermarket or health food store in America, and you find boxes and boxes of food, all with a nutritional profile. Here is the kicker for those processed foods: most of our food has now been fortified (that means nutrition "added" back). It is not uncommon to find juices, cereals and other foods fortified so that the label displays a beautiful ‘100%’ for your recommended daily value of nutrition.

Wait, but why do we need to add things back? When you cook food or process it, the nutrition is depleted or completely removed. If we take the label on the box's word for it, the fortified stuff might be 50 times more nutritious than the same amount of fruit!

Wait, so why are we so malnourished? We do not have a food shortage issue in this country, however, we do have starvation, even in obese individuals. Doctors, nutrition experts, and so-called medically trained individuals tell us there is no difference between vitamins in fruit and isolate chemically made vitamins. Also, there is no difference in the sugars on the market compared to fruit sugar. They go on further to say that the chemical isolate is better because it's not mixed up with all that other "junk".

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With scientific methods getting more precise and our detection devices more sensitive were finding out more and more about our foods and finding smaller microscopic parts we couldn't find before. Information is constantly changing as they find our more year to year about whole herbs and isolates.

Keynote: Most of our food is fortified with ascorbic acid until it can display a proud 100% Daily Value on the label. Remember though, ascorbic acid is only part of vitamin C. In fact, it is simply the protective shell around vitamin C lacking the incredibly critical content! That's like having a vehicle with no engine, tires, radiator or other components, but giving it a frame and a paint job and saying its 100% effective and ready to roll.

Consuming real whole foods and using only whole herb supplements can make a difference. One important difference in absorption rate. Inorganic isolates can only have a 10% absorption rate while whole herb and foods have a 90-100% absorption rate. This can only be achieved (in either case) with a clean lower bowel.

So what is the point? What we really need are whole herbs and foods. We find that most institutions and companies that claim to be the authorities on health and nutrition are lobbied, and have an agenda that makes it impossible for them to offer unbiased information.
Hopefully, now you will read those labels more carefully and know the difference between whole herbs and isolate.

Here is a documentary list that will help explain the benefits of whole foods/herbs: Forks over Knives Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead Super Juice Me Seeds of Deception Future of Food Food, Inc.

Part 2: Vitamin C as a Whole

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I Tips on how to avoid gluten without going crazy 

II GMO funding by the big company

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