Zero Waste: 6 Practices for Creating a Zero-Waste Society | Herbal Goodness

Recent years have seen a more environmentally conscious and friendly behavior from us as humans. This is mostly because now our very existence depends on the health of our planet; whose care is in our hands. The drastic impacts of climate change have led to looking out for ways to help reduce our carbon footprint as well as greenhouse gas emissions from our day-to-day activities. 

Reducing, reusing and recycling can be a key part of a climate change strategy to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. The U.S. EPA has estimated roughly 42% of all greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the production and use of goods, including food, products, and packaging. Many communities across the country and around the world are working towards zero waste as a way to improve our quality of life as well as the health of our green planet.

What Is Zero Waste?

Chances are you've heard the words before, but you might not know the whole deal. Zero-waste is a lifestyle choice that aims to minimize harmful environmental impacts by generating less waste. The lifestyle strongly correlates with minimalism: a way of life that aims to keep personal possessions at a minimum; only purchasing items that are of essential value, or can be used for a variety of purposes. It is often used as a way to save money, space, and personal time; as fewer things equate to less mess and maintenance, which equates to less time spent cleaning and decluttering.¹

Zero Waste goes hand in hand with a minimalistic lifestyle which means fewer expenses as well as a more conscious approach to life - which in turn could promote a healthier lifestyle. It has beneficial impacts on the environment; Fewer landfills mean less pollution and less methane, greenhouse gas, and a leading cause of climate change. Waste in landfills contributes directly to climate change and various pollution as it decomposes. Landfills emit various greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, which has been shown to support and accelerate climate change. Reusing materials versus relying on single-use products such as paper towels means less deforestation. Composting contributes to healthier soils.²

Mother Earth takes care of itself through the process of the cycle of life (the natural process of conception, growth, earth, and decay). Herbal Goodness Supports Mother Earth, we believe that how we treat mother earth today will allow us to pass on her resources to our children and their children There will always be unknown long-term effects to the ecosystem and biodiversity when inducing a change in the natural traits of crops through unnatural means. 

By paying a fair value to our farmers we help keep their lives sustainable, which allows them to support biodiversity, to grow their products organically with non-GMO seeds, so our earth continues to produce high-quality food.

The 5 R’s of Zero Waste Living

  • Refuse what you do not need.
  • Reduce what you do need; reconsider just how much stuff you need.
  • Reuse by repurposing stuff, or by using reusable objects like metal straws.
  • Recycle what you cannot refuse, reduce or reuse.
  • Rot (compost) the rest.

6 Practices for Creating a Zero Waste Society.

Herbal Goodness believes in the rejuvenating and restorative power of nature’s superfoods. It is why we are actively promoting the Zero waste movement as it helps better not just the health of our planet but the quality of life we live; saves money, and improves our health and communities in the process.

  • At Home: People spend most of their time at home. It is important to take the necessary actions and to develop sustainable habits to conserve electricity and water. The average American uses 80-100 gallons of water per day. By changing the way you brush your teeth, water your lawn, or wash your dishes, or switch to more efficient plumbing or appliances, you can reduce your water footprint by 25 percent. You could explore no-energy alternatives to accomplishing your daily tasks. Solar-powered phone and computer charges are great tools to reduce your energy consumption.
  • Minimize Use of Disposable Products: Buying food outside can result in a lot of packaging and plastic waste produced in a day. Make it a habit to always bring a reusable water bottle, food containers, and utensils⁠. These simple and cost-efficient practices are beneficial in maintaining good health, protecting the environment, and saving money.
  • Minimize your Carbon Footprint: As most transportation options rely heavily on petroleum, daily transit from our homes to our workplaces can contribute to an increase in carbon emissions and worsening air pollution. Use active modes of transportation to get you where you need to go and take mass transit trains and buses rather than driving or flying to your destination. Do not leave your trash and make sure to have them disposed of properly when traveling and exploring the great outdoors. Pick up any trash that you see, and dispose of it properly by throwing it in the correct garbage container.
  • Be A Regular at The Farmer’s Market: Buy as much of your food as possible from your local farmers’ market and locate grocers and bakers in your neighborhood who buy from local companies.
  • Conscious Shopping: Excess use of and reliance on unnecessary packaging when shopping contributes to the large amount of waste generated every day. Learn to refuse and say “no” to additional plastics and paper bags. Shop mindfully by always bringing your reusable eco-bags. You could turn your old clothes and produce sacks into eco-bags reducing the amount of disposable bags you would have been given at each shopping trip.
  • Dining Out: When dining out with friends and family, order only quantities you can consume. This will help reduce food waste. Also, make it a point to refuse disposable materials such as cups, straws, or even paper plates. Reusable straws and plates are made out of stainless steel, bamboo, and wheat bran.

A zero-waste approach ensures everyone has access to tools to reduce, reuse and recycle waste where they live, work and play. This allows everyone to participate in protecting our environment. A zero-waste approach also protects the health of communities by reducing pollution in the air, water, and soil by keeping toxins and waste out of landfills and incinerators.

Herbal Goodness’ Commitment to Sustainability

At Herbal Goodness, we believe that how we treat mother earth today will allow us to pass on her resources to our children and their children. We pay a fair value to our farmers, helping to keep their lives sustainable. This allows them to support biodiversity, grow their products organically with non-GMO seeds, so our earth continues to produce high-quality food. Herbal Goodness also practices zero waste and a minimalist approach to living in both our workspace and personal space. 

Read more about our commitment to sustainable living here


  1. Zero-Waste living: what is it, and why is it important? Accessed on May 14, 2021
  2. Benefits of Zero Waste. Accessed on August 15, 2021
  3. Waste Tips: 50 Of The Most Impactful Earth-happy Habits. Accessed on August 15, 2021
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